Gestalt Psychotherapy in  Lüneburg * photography: Carolin Cohrs/ feinblick
Dr. Leena Petersen. Photography: Carolin Cohrs







I studied literature, philosophy and aesthetics in Berlin and at Sussex University, where I did my PhD in philosophy (Critical Theory). After several years of living, researching and teaching in mainly London and Jerusalem, I moved with my family to Germany and graduated in Gestalt Therapy at the internationally recognised Hamburg Institute for Gestalt oriented Training (HIGW). I attended further training in Integrative Trauma Therapy at the Munich Institute for Trauma Therapy (MITT) and also in Gestalt Dance Therapy on the basis of Anna Halprin's life/art process (touching ground Berlin).  I finished an international and EAGT accredited training in Gestalt Supervision at the Gestalt Istituto Italy


I am trainee therapist, supervisor and trainer at the HIGW . Since 2024, I am member of the working group on "Clinical Theory of Gestalt Therapy" of the German Association of Gestalt Therapy (DVG). I was working at the editorial board of the German-speaking journal Gestalttherapie – Forum für Gestaltperspektiven from 2018-2024 and was elected member of the EAGT Dialogic and Conflict Resolution Committee from 2024-2025.

I offer Gestalt therapy and counseling for individuals and groups in German and English, and bilingually (German-English). Next to my practice, I worked as gestalt therapist in social psychiatry for several years. As a trauma therapist, I offer my services also to an NGO working with refugees (NTFN), based in Lüneburg. I am also working as external examiner at the Gestalt Institute in Krakow and as trainee therapist, among others, at the Eichgrund Institut for Integrative Gestalt Therapy.


Within the Gestalt approach, the meaningfulness of contact and encounter fascinates me, and also the possible process of change towards creative adaptation. My theoretical interests, previous knowledge and qualifications correspond with the orientation of Gestalt Therapy. Also the therapeutic work corresponds with my concern, to understand experiences in all their complexity and to develop together new perspectives and creative solutions for old issues.




Selected Publications


1. Book


"Poetik des Zwischenraumes. Zur sprachlichen Kulturkritik und physiognomischen Historizität am Beispiel von Walter Benjamin und ausgewählten Schriften seiner Zeit", Beiträge zur Neueren Literaturgeschichte, Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 2010, 527 pages.



2. Chapters


"Lücken, Träume und Bruchstücke. Über die moderne Collage in Avantgarde und Therapie", in: Alexandra Hopf (Hg.): Die Irritation als Methode – die Collage in der Kunst und der Kunsttherapie, HPB University Press 2020.


"Über eine Poesie zwischenräumlicher Verortungen: Inger Christensens Gedichtzyklus det", in: Kerstin Hof (Hg.): Dreierlei Mut – Eine Collage. Positionen und Poeme zur Bedeutung der Poesie für Gesellschaft und Gesundheit, HPB University Press 2019.


„On Linguistic Materiality. Literary Forms of Memory of/after the Shoah“ in: Ilit Ferber/Sabine Sander (eds.): On the Intersection between Philosophy of Language and Political Theory. German-Jewish Thought between 18th-20th Centuries, Hentrich & Hentrich, Berlin 2015, p. 260-271.


„Translating Modernity. On Aniconism and Negative Aesthetics in German‐Jewish Thought“, in Hannah Ewence/ Helen Spurling (eds.): Visualizing Jews through the Ages: Literary and Material Representations of Jewishness and Judaism, Routledge 2015, p. 199-211.


„Poetics of the Intrinsic. On Walter Benjamin’s Concept of Allegory“, in: Anke Bartels/Michael Schultze/Agata Stopinska (eds.): Re/defining the matrix: Reflections on Time – Space – Agency, Frankfurt am Main 2006, p. 163–176.



3. Articles in Journals


"Ästhetiken des Kontakts. Spaltungsphänomene und der holistische Ansatz in der Gestalttherapie". In: Gestalttherapie – Forum für Gestaltperspektiven, Heft 2024/2, p. 73-94.


"Zerbrechliche Dialoge. Über israelisch-palästinensische künstlerische Zusammenarbeit". In: Gestalttherapie – Forum für Gestaltperspektiven, Heft 2024/1, S. 57-66.


( "Aufleuchten. Texte aus der Sozialpsychiatrie 2020", in: Gestalttherapie – Forum für Gestaltperspektiven, Heft 2021/1, S. 36-41.


"Schöpferische Relationalität. Über das Dazwischen in der Gestalttherapie", in: Gestalttherapie – Forum für Gestaltperspektiven, Heft 2020/2.


„Reconsidering Utopia. On the Entanglement of Mind and History“, in: Studies in Social and Political Thought, Vol. 18, 2010, p. 14-28. online pdf


„On Heartquake and Suburbia Hallucination: Israeli Palestinian Art Collaboration“, in: The International Journal of the Arts in Society, Vol. 4 ‚Transnationalism’, 2009, p. 197-202. online



4. Reviews


Review on Steven E. Aschheim's At the Edges of Liberalism. Junctions of European, German and Jewish History, Palgrave Studies in Cultural and Intellectual History, New York 2012, 273 pp., In: Jewish Culture and History (2013).


Review on Peter Fenves' The Messianic Reduction. Walter Benjamin and the Shape of Time.

Stanford UP, 2011. 310 pp., in: The German Quarterly, issue 86.1 (2013).


„On the Occasion of Linguistic Mimesis“, review article on Paul Reitter: The Anti‐Journalist. Karl Kraus and Jewish Self‐Fashioning in Fin‐de‐Siècle Europe (Chicago und London, 2008) in: H‐Judaic, 2009.


„Spiel als paradoxes rauschendes Netzwerk“, review article on Natascha Adamowsky: Spielfiguren in virtuellen Welten (Frankfurt/Main 2000), in: Querelles‐Net 9, 2003.


„Dramatikerinnen im 19. Jahrhundert“, review article on Heike Schmid: Gefallene Engel. Deutschsprachige Dramatikerinnen im ausgehenden 19. Jahrhundert (Saarbrücken 2000), in: Querelles‐Net 7, 2002.


5. Editorship


"Hannah Arendt. Werke und Nachlass. Kritische Gesamtausgabe, Vol. 5: Elemente und Ursprünge totaler Herrschaft. 1. Teil: Antisemitismus/ Origins of Totalitarianism. Part One: Antisemitism", München: Fink, 2019 (co-editor).


"Aesthetic Theories of Catastrophe in Fin‐de‐Siècle", Sammelband mit Beiträgen u.a. von Elke Dubbels, Howard Caygill und Alexander Garcia Düttmann, 2017 (in preparation).


"The International Journal of the Arts in Society", vol. 4 ‘Transnationalism’, Victoria/ Australia 2009. (co-editor)